ERTS 2024: Multi-core WCET Analysis Using Non-Intrusive Continuous Observation

We are proud to have Daniel Kästner (CTO of AbsInt) present our joint paper “Multi-core WCET Analysis Using Non-Intrusive Continuous Observation” at this year’s ERTS Congress in Toulouse.

In this paper we explain how the product bundle CEDARtools & TimeWeaver helps our customers to fulfill the objectives “MCP_Resource_Usage_3“, “MCP_Resource_usage_4“, “MCP_Software_1“, and “MCP_Software_2” objectives of EASA AMC-20-193.

Feel free to contact us and we will be happy to provide you with a copy of the paper as well as the presentation slides.

Traditional approach: All trace snippets are stored and processed. Observation time depends on trace buffer size.

New approach: Only pre-qualified trace snippets are stored and processed. No limitation in observation time.
Comparison of presented new approach vs. traditional trace captures.